Membership Information
Proposing a Candidate
Any member who has been a Regular member for a full skating season may propose, second or support a candidate. Limited members may second or support a candidate. The maximum number of letters the Committee will accept form any member during any 12-month period is four. Within that limit, the maximum number of proposing letters is two. The 12-month period aside, members may have no more than two proposals pending acceptance at one time. Further details and requirements can be found linked here.
Prospective Member Information
The New Canaan Winter Club is a family-focused community where parents and children delight in the magic of skating outdoors each November through March. Rich in history, the Club is a unique and Norman Rockwell-like setting for all ages.
The Club offers a variety of programs for skaters and players at all levels: learn-to-skate, hockey skill development, travel and house hockey, figure skating, adult hockey, skating lessons, and more. While the many classes offer a breadth of structured options, it’s the open skate times that members find most memorable. Whether it’s skating on a peaceful weekend morning, with classmates after school, or on a weekend when the ice is bustling with tweens and teens, the idyllic outdoor setting creates memories that last a lifetime.
The New Canaan Winter Club is a private club. Prospective members require the support of four or more existing members to complete their application. Each candidate should identify a proposer who will oversee the admissions process, assist with collecting three additional letters and be the point of contact with the Membership Committee. Once a proposer has been identified, the candidate should complete the online membership application and notify their proposer. For more information, click here.
For complete membership details, application and details on proposing a member, the prospective member application and also changing your membership status, please visit