Pond Hockey Tournaments

The Corky Cup: Adult Pond Hockey


Each team must designate one person to register the team - $150 per team. Be sure to list your teammates and team name.


Same general format as last year with one small change on the gear rules: two, six-minute half's with a three minute intermission, three-on-three, pond-hockey style cross-ice games, pond hockey style nets, helmets, gloves and shin guards are allowed, elbow pads are OK for weaker skaters, no other gear this year (pants, shoulder pads etc... need to even the playing field).

Tis the season... for the fourth Corky Cup Pond Hockey Tournament! 

This year's shenanigans will be held on December 26th, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. The format will be the same as prior years with two, six-minute halves, three-on-three, pond-hockey style cross-ice games on the club rink (or on the pond if it happens to be frozen). 

The committee will provide food and beverages and we encourage spectators (including kids).

The entry fees will offset the costs of the evening, with all excess proceeds going to benefit the Southern CT Storm Hockey (an amazing ice hockey program for special needs children and young adults that was important to John Corchran: www.ctstormhockey.org).

There are only 24 slots for teams this year so please sign up ASAP if you want a spot. Participation is again limited current NCWC members or immediate family of current members (men and women welcome) over 18 years old. 

Please try to balance teams with players of different skill levels (ringer teams may be dissolved or penalized).

Any questions regarding the tournament, email Wyley Scherr at wyleyscherr@yahoo.com. Registration questions, email ncwinterclub@gmail.com

Registration closes on December 20

Teddy Balkind Memorial Youth Pond Hockey

Who: Open to Mite/Squirt/Peewee/Bantams/High School    

What: 6-minute, 3 v. 3 pond hockey games

Where: New Canaan Winter Club

Cost: $25/player 

When: Thursday, December 26, 2024  

  • Mites: 8:00-8:45 am
  • Squirts: 8:50-9:35 am
  • Peewee: 9:40-10:25 am
  • Bantams: 10:30-11:15 am
  • High School: 11:15-12:00 pm

Details on timing will be shared depending on number of signups

 Registration closes by Dec 20

This should be a fun-filled day, celebrating the game of hockey, the spirit of Teddy Balkind and the Winter Club. 

Volunteers needed to help check-in skaters, organize play on the ice and more.  Any questions regarding the tournament or to volunteer to help, email gpresseau9@yahoo.com. 


To register for Pond Hockey Fun:

Step One:

Complete the General Registration Medical Information - click here.

If you have already done this, skip to Step Two.  It only needs to be done once per year.

Step Two

Register for The Corky Cup: Adult Pond Hockey

Click to Register for The Teddy Balkind Youth Pond Hockey Tournament

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